Figure 3.
AT1 receptor-deficient bone marrow chimeras have enhanced renal accumulation of macrophages in Ang II–dependent hypertension. A, Representative kidney section from BMWT-saline group showing minimal injury (×10). B, Representative kidney section from BMWT-Ang group showing mild glomerulosclerosis, mononuclear cell infiltrates, and rare fibrosis. C through F, Representative kidney sections from BMWT-saline (C), BMKO-saline (D), BMWT-Ang (E), and BMKO-Ang (F) groups stained brown for macrophages (×20). G, Proportion of high-powered (×40) fields containing ≥5 F4/80+ macrophages. *P<0.007 vs BMWT-saline. †P<0.03 vs BMWT-Ang.