Figure 6.
Effect of dynasore on vesicle pool replenishment in IHCs. A, B, Repetitive voltage steps to −11 mV for 50 ms (A, interstep interval: 100 ms) or 1 s (B, interstep interval: 200 ms) were used to elicit the RRP and SRP, respectively. For clarity, only the first few steps are shown. The top shows the respective voltage protocol used. C, Average cumulative ΔCm values obtained in response to the 50 ms protocol from 3 control (P13) and 11 dynasore-treated (P11–P17) IHCs. D, Average cumulative ΔCm in response to the 1 s protocol from seven control (P13–P16) and seven dynasore-treated (P13–P17) IHCs. Inset, Cumulative ΔCm from four control (P4–P7) and four dynasore-treated (P6–P7) immature IHCs. E, Individual ΔCm values measured for the RRP after each voltage step from IHCs shown in C. F, Individual ΔCm values for the SRP measured after each voltage step from IHCs shown in D. G, H, Vesicle pool replenishment in immature mouse IHCs treated with dynasore. Individual ΔCm values measured for the RRP in nine control (P4–P6) and three dynasore-treated (P6–P7) IHCs (G) and SRP (H; see inset in D) as described in E and F, respectively.