Passive viewing of repetitive visual stimuli induces a rapid, noninput specific enhancement of visual responses in dark-exposed amblyopes. (A) Experimental timeline: following chronic monocular deprivation (MD; from P14 to P110), one cohort received 10 d of dark exposure (DE). Subsequently, all subjects received reverse deprivation, and passively viewed repetitive visual stimuli (100 cycles of 0.05 cycles/degree, 100% contrast full-field vertical gratings reversing at 0.5 Hz) with the previously deprived eye (Dep Eye). (B) Passive visual stimulation (Stim) induced a rapid enhancement of layer IV VEP amplitudes in dark-exposed amblyopes (average ± SEM, one-way ANOVA, F(2,18) = 18.3033, P < 0.0001, [*] P < 0.05 vs. baseline, Tukey Kramer HSD post hoc); (inset) representative deprived eye VEPs (Dep Eye) at time 0 (baseline) and 240 min post passive visual stimulation. (C) Passive visual stimulation (Stim) did not induce a rapid enhancement of layer IV VEP amplitudes in amblyopes that did not receive dark exposure (average ± SEM); (inset) representative deprived eye VEPs (Dep Eye) at time 0 (baseline) and 240 min post passive visual stimulation. (D) Visual stimuli with novel spatial frequencies evoked enhanced VEPs in dark-exposed amblyopes that received passive visual stimulation (black) (average amplitude [norm to max] ± SEM). (E) Visual stimuli with novel orientations evoked enhanced VEPs in dark-exposed amblyopes that received passive visual stimulation (black) (average ± SEM, repeated measures ANOVA F(1,10) = 6.544, P = 0.028. (F) Polar plots of representative layer IV neurons demonstrate that passive repetitive visual stimulation (Stim [black]) increased the strength of visually evoked spiking across all orientations. (G) No improvement in orientation selectivity of visually evoked spiking output following passive repetitive visual stimulation in dark-exposed (DE) amblyopes (black) versus control amblyopes without dark exposure (gray; KS test, P = 0.908; n = units, subjects). (H) Passive visual stimulation (Stim) did not improve spatial acuity of the deprived eye of dark exposed (DE) amblyopes (average monocular spatial acuity ± SEM, DE + Stim [black] 0.035 ± 0.013, n = 7; DE [gray], 0.036 ± 0.011, n = 6; t-test, P = 0.955). Scale bars: 50 μV; 50 msec.