Figure 5.
Voxel analysis: LEGA RR, MRTMo, and MRTM. Scatter plots of BPND,IF (X-axis; region of interest (ROI) analysis) and BPND,im (Y-axis; average within each target region) for 10 randomly selected subjects for [11C]CUMI (left panel), [11C]BTA, [11C]ABP, and [11C]DASB (right panel). The X-axis is the full cIF (ROI) analysis (LEGA for [11C]DASB and [11C]CUMI; Logan for [11C]BTA); 2TC for [11C]ABP). BPND, nondisplaceable binding potential; cIF, metabolite-corrected IF; IF, input function; LEGA, likelihood estimation in graphical analysis; MRTM, multilinear reference tissue model; RR, reference region; 2TC, two-tissue compartment.