YDB impact field, based on data from 27 locations. In the YDB strewnfield (red), there are 18 YDB sites in this study (red dots; see table on Right). Eight independent studies have found spherules and/or scoria-like objects at nine additional sites (blue dots) located in Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, Maryland, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Mexico, and Venezuela. The largest accepted impact strewnfield, the Australasian (purple), is shown for comparison with each strewnfield covering ∼50 million square kilometers or ∼10% of the planet. Table shows location of sites and lists site details (A, archeological material; B, black mat; C, charcoal; M, megafaunal remains, present either at the sampling location or in the vicinity). Also given are stratigraphic settings (Strat: A, alluvial; C, colluvial; E, eolian; G, glacial; and L, lacustrine) and relative physical stability of depositional paleoenvironments (Env: A, active, e.g., riverine, lacustrine, or eolian; I, inactive).