Fig. 3.
Expression of Nrf2, GCSc, GCSm and HO-1 in WT and apolipoprotein E knockout (ApoE-KO) female mice gastric antrum muscular tissue. Representative immunoblot and densitometric analysis data for Nrf2 protein in female mice gastric antrum. a A significant decrease in Nrf2 in female ApoE-KO mice compared to WT mice. Values are mean ± SE (N = 4). Statistical significance was determined by Tukey test after one-way ANOVA. *P < 0.05 compared with control group. b Representative immunoblot and densitometric analysis data for GCSc protein in female mice gastric antrum. c Representative immunoblot and densitometric analysis data for GCSm protein in female mice gastric antrum. d Representative immunoblot and densitometric analysis data for HO-1 protein in female mice gastric antrum. Values are mean ± SE (N = 4)