Figure 8. ER and EGFR-targeted drugs are effective inhibitors of estrogen-induced MCF-7 cell growth that act independently of doxorubicin.
MCF-7 cells were treated and analyzed as in Figure 7. *Indicates that the addition of estrogen has significantly altered (p ≤ 0.05) a level from that of its non-estrogen treated counterpart (e.g. DMSO - Dox - E vs. DMSO - Dox + E), †denotes a significant change with doxorubicin-treatment from the level of its non-doxorubicin treated counterpart (e.g. DMSO - Dox - E vs. DMSO + Dox - E), and ‡ signifies a difference between groups treated with DMSO and an inhibitor (e.g. DMSO - Dox + E vs. inhibitor - Dox + E). Cells treated with 1 μM fulvestrant (Ful, an ER-targeted drug, panel A) or 10 μM gefitinib (Gef, an EGFR inhibitor, panel B) demonstrated inhibitor-dependent decreases in estrogen-induced proliferation in both the absence and presence of doxorubicin.