Figure 6.
Different responses of phospho(Thr559)-NIK and of phospho(Thr184)-Tak1 following carrageenan in Bcl10 null mice. (a) The immunoblot shows that phospho-NIK does not increase following exposure to carrageenan in the Bcl10 null mice, in contrast to the finding in the wild type mice. (b) Densitometry confirms the increase in phospho-NIK in the Bcl10 WT mice treated with carrageenan compared to the Bcl10 null mice (P = 0.01, unpaired t-test, two-tailed). (c) In contrast, phospho-Tak1(Thr184) was somewhat increased in the Bcl10 null mice's intestinal tissue, although less than in the wild type mouse tissue. (d) Densitometry confirms the visual impression that the phospho-Tak1 is significantly reduced in the Bcl10 null versus Bcl10 WT mouse following CGN exposure (P < 0.05, unpaired t-test, two-tailed). CGN: carrageenan; WT: wild type; NIK: NF-κB inducing kinase; Tak: TGF-β activated kinase.