The former are plotted consecutively and show early and late mineralizing tooth pairs of individuals (highlighted with a tie-line) if applicable. Three individuals (14, 8/1, 39/2) plot clearly outside the ±2 SD local signal for Basta (shaded box: 0.70821±0.00008). Given the reported 87Sr/86Sr variation between ∼0.7053 and 0.7094 in modern food webs in the region [22], the observed overall variability for Basta is very small. In case of B39/2, only the first molar shows a non-local signature, which indicates that by the time of mineralization of the 2nd premolar (∼year 6), this individual had already moved to Basta. B5060/1 M1 is only marginally below the local Sr-isotope range, which is interpreted not to be significant, also because the Sr-isotope signal of its PM2 is consistent with Basta (even identifying B5060/1 as a non-local would not change any of the conclusions herein).