Figure 7.
Colocalization of minireceptors with Rab4-recycling endosomes. Control or SNX17 KD HEK293 cells, transfected with mMeg-1, mMeg-2, mMeg-3, and Rab4-mCherry, were incubated with GST-RAP (200 μg/μl) for 30 min, followed by GST-GFP-RAP (75 μg/μl) for 75 min. (A) Confocal images corresponding to the control cells showing the colocalization of Rab4 and the receptors. Scale bar, 5 μm. (B) The percentages of Rab4-mCherry and GST-GFP-RAP colocalization in control and SNX17 KD cells expressing the minireceptors are plotted in the graph (*p < 0.05; average ± SE, n > 15 cells). The analysis was conducted in the confocal section exhibiting the strongest Rab4-mCherry signal. (C) The distribution of the quantified percentages of GST-GFP-RAP/ Rab4-mCherry colocalization obtained from the confocal stacks of HEK293 control cells or (D) SNX17-silenced cells.