The p53 R248Q allele results in accelerated tumor onset and shorter survival compared with the p53-null allele. (a) Survival curves for mice of the indicated genotypes. The number of total mice in each group is indicated. Dots represent mice that were censored because of death from nontumor-related causes. ***P<0.0001 compared with null mice, log-rank analysis. (b) Tumor onset for all tumor types combined in the indicated genotypes. Tumor frequency was calculated by dividing the number of tumors occurring during 15-day time intervals by the total number of tumors occurring for each genotype. Number of mice is the same as in (a). (c) Mean days until first appearance of the indicated tumor types. Error bars indicate S.E. *P<0.05 compared with null mice. The bottom table summarizing P-values compared with null mice for Q/−, Q/Q and both genotypes combined. The solid tumor data are not significant, likely because of the small number of tumors of individual genotypes. However, when both R248Q/− and R248Q/R248Q genotypes are combined, they reach statistical significance, as shown in the table (P=0.044)