Figure 3. Transcriptome and ChIP analyses provide mechanistic insights for the efficacy of I-BET151.
(A) Volcano plots for DMSO vs I-BET151 treated samples, showing the adjusted significance p-value (log10) vs. fold change (log2). (B) Correlation of log2 fold change between MV411/MOLM131 across all genes. Notably no genes show opposing expression changes. Lines represent the identity line (black solid), the line of best fit (black dotted), or log2 fold-change threshold values (green dotted). (C) Heatmap of top 100 genes down-regulated following treatment with IBET151. (D) BCL2 gene-expression (normalized to B2M expression) is shown. Expression level of BCL2 in DMSO was assigned a value of 1. (E) Immunoblotting demonstrating a decrease in BCL2 and an increase in cleaved PARP (*) after IBET151 treatment. (F) ChIP analysis at the TSS 3′-end of BCL2 is illustrated. Bar graphs are represented as the mean enrichment relative to input and error bars reflect standard deviation of results derived from biological triplicate experiments.