Tissues in panels (a)-(c) were harvested from LDLR−/− mice on HFD for 6 weeks, which were treated with vehicle (left side), ALK3-Fc (2 mg/kg ip, every other day, middle) or LDN-193189 (2.5 mg/kg ip daily, right side) for five days (n=4 in each group, a) or 6 weeks (n=10 in each group, b+c) prior to harvesting. (a) Immunofluorescence of aortic sections revealed nuclear p-SMAD1/5/8 (green, DAPI counterstain, blue) in atheromatous lesions, which was markedly suppressed by either LDN-193189 or ALK3-Fc treatment (white bar=100 μm). (b) Immunofluorescence of aortic sections revealed the accumulation of intimal macrophages (MAC2, red; DAPI counterstain, blue), which was markedly diminished by LDN-193189 or ALK3-Fc (White bar=500 μm). (c) Near-infrared fluorescence intensities of Prosense 750 revealed suppression of macrophage activity by ALK3-Fc and LDN-193189 treatment in nearly all regions of interest.