Nuclear contents of pTyr-STAT1 (A), pTyr-STAT3 (B), and pSer-STAT3 (C) at 30 min after administration of iCORM-3 (group VII) and CORM-3 (group VIII). Upper panels: Representative Western immunoblots showing increased nuclear levels of pTyr(701)-STAT1 (A), pTyr(705)-STAT3 (B), and pSer(727)-STAT3 (C) in myocardial samples from CORM-3-treated mice compared with iCORM-3-treated mice. Lower panels: Densitometric analysis of pTyr(701)-STAT1 (A), pTyr(705)-STAT3 (B), and pSer(727)-STAT3 (C) signals. Data are means±SEM. *P<0.05 vs. iCORM-3.