Examples of performance test results from the neurobehavioural assessment battery during the night shifts. Filled symbols indicate the melatonin session and open symbols indicate the placebo session. Triangles indicate the first night shift and boxes indicate the second night shift. Top: General activation (GA) scores (mean ± SEM) from the activation–deactivation adjective checklist (ADACL). To complete the ADACL, subjects rated 20 adjectives on whether they described their mood at the time of the test battery. The four possible ratings were ‘definitely feel’, ‘feel slightly’, ‘cannot decide at the moment’ and ‘definitely do not feel.’ The GA subscore is compiled from subjects’ responses to five descriptors (full-of-pep, active, vigorous, energetic, and lively). Bottom: Lapses (mean ± SEM) on the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). This task measures visual reaction time during a 10-min vigilance task, and any reaction time longer than 0.5 s is considered a lapse. Lapses are plotted as the square root transformation of the number of reaction times >0.5 s.