Table 1.
Statistical analysis of all variables collected for 50 female patients and 133 vertebral bodies
Variable | Mean | SD | 95% CI |
Age (years) |
69.88 |
13.73 |
65.98 to 73.78 |
Weight (kg) |
69.39 |
13.38 |
65.59 to 73.19 |
Height (cm) |
160.72 |
6.05 |
159.00 to 162.44 |
Administered activity (MBq) |
562.84 |
102.33 |
533.76 to 591.92 |
Activity per 1 kg BW (MBq/kg) |
8.26 |
1.41 |
7.86 to 8.66 |
ACC (kBq/ml) |
48.15 |
13.66 |
45.81 to 50.50 |
5.91 |
1.54 |
5.64 to 6.17 |
3.89 |
0.92 |
3.74 to 4.05 |
5.93 |
1.40 |
5.69 to 6.17 |
% ID per ml (10−3) |
8.75 |
2.23 |
8.12 to 9.39 |
Bone density (HU) |
106.52 |
58.00 |
96.57 to 116.46 |
LAC (cm−1) | 0.168 | 0.007 | 0.167 to 0.170 |
ACC activity concentration, BW body weight, BSA body surface area, CI confidence interval, HU Hounsfield units, % ID percentage of injected dose, LAC linear attenuation coefficient, LBW lean body weight, SD standard deviation, SUV standardised uptake value.