(a) A coplanar waveguide cavity which consists of a center conductor located between two ground planes. The cavity has been modified by adding a resistance R and capacitance Cc at positions xr and xc, respectively. In addition, one or more SQUIDs, each with an inductance LJ(Φ), where Φ is the magnetic flux penetrating the SQUID loop, are positioned evenly into the left cavity. Our approach makes no assumptions about the type of qubit, however, for the sake of concreteness, we assume a transmon qubit that is capacitively coupled to the resonator with a capacitance CQ at xq. (b) The cavity may be represented using an infinite number of capacitors (C0 = cdx) and inductors (L0 = ℓdx). The horizontal dots represent many sequences of these L0, C0 pairs. It is also possible to include series resistors to model the internal losses of the superconductor but these are assumed to be negligible in our setup.