Fig. 10.
Comparison between axon responses evoked by stimulation of F5 and of M1. A: comparison of the responsiveness of axons to M1 and F5 stimulation. Note presence of D-responses (M1-D) from M1, but absence (F5-D) from F5 stimulation. Note generally lower incidence of F5 (33%) compared with M1 stimulation (55%). N: number of axons. B: comparison of the response type (indirect effects only) to M1 default and F5 stimulation. Format is as in Fig. 6C. A circle represents one axon: gray for non-D-responders and black for D-responders. Note that most responses do not lie on the diagonal, indicating a dissimilarity of the responses to M1 and to F5 stimulation in a given axon.