Fig. 8.
α-Synuclein is phosphorylated and inclusions contain ubiquitin and p62. Representative images of the CA2 region of the hippocampus probed by double immunofluorescence with total α-synuclein (red) and α-synuclein phospho-S129 (green) (a–c), or α-synuclein (green) and α-synuclein phospho-Y125 (red) (d–f) show near complete co-localisation indicating that α-synuclein is phosphorylated at both epitopes. The majority of α-synuclein immunoreactivity (green) within neuronal inclusions co-localised with ubiquitin (red), shown in CA1 neurons (g–i). Many α-synuclein-positive (green) neuronal inclusions also contained P62 (red) (j–l) and a similar pattern was observed in GCI-like inclusions illustrated in the white matter underlying the entorhinal cortex (EC, m–o). DAPI nuclear stain (blue). Scale bars represent 50 μm (a–l are at the same magnification as are m–o)