Figure 2. STAT5A mediates ROS production in murine and human BCR-ABL1 transformed cell lines.
(A) Representative FACS histogram of p185BCR-ABL1 transformed murine cells infected with a retrovirus encoding for Stat5a-IRES-GFP (upper histogram) or a control vector (GFP, lower histogram). Cells have been stained with the ROS sensitive fluorescent dye DHE to measure differences in ROS levels upon enforced expression of STAT5A. (B) Statistical analysis showing DHE-MFI of individually derived p185BCR-ABL1+ cell lines (n = 4, data are mean ± SD., n.s. = not significant, *** p < 0.001). (C) FACS histogram depicting ROS level of the human CML cell line K562 upon enforced expression of STAT5A or GFP. (D) K562 cells expressing a random shRNA or a shRNA specific for STAT5A/B were stained with DHE to measure differences in ROS levels.