Variable | Factor 1: Barriers | Factor 2: Race | Factor 3: System Blame | Factor 4: Past-Future |
Discrimination 20 years before Civil Rights Movement | −.023 | .096 | .068 | .615a |
Discrimination 20 years from now | .069 | −.062 | −.014 | .510a |
Why Blacks don’t do well in life | −.006 | −.131 | −.597a | .063 |
Why Blacks don’t get a good job or education | −.000 | .114 | −.496a | −.013 |
Treated badly because of race | −.005 | −.325 | .090 | .048 |
Have more skills and ability for better job | .034 | .240 | .012 | −.025 |
Not hired because Black | −.039 | .454a | .047 | −.100 |
Family responsibilities kept from getting a good job | .438a | −.046 | .041 | .092 |
Ability kept from getting a good job | −.776a | −.096 | −.071 | −.067 |
Blacks kept from getting a good job | −.322 | −.397a | −.357 | .049 |
Not trying hard enough kept from getting a good job | .568a | −.011 | −.015 | .035 |
Not having education or kept from getting a good job | −.686a | −.067 | .009 | −.023 |
Blacks get certain jobs | −.088 | .447a | −.081 | .051 |
Blacks treated badly at work | −.000 | −.614a | .081 | −.008 |
Percentage of total (variance) | 12.188 | 8.313 | 5.600 | 4.827 |
Percentage of common (variance) | 36.055 | 24.591 | 16.563 | 15.279 |
Item used to create scale.