Figure 4. Megsin-Cre mediated deletion of Adam10 led to skin and stomach defects.
Megsin-Cre/+, Adam10/+ mouse exhibits a progressive hair loss starting from the midline in both ventral and dorsal skins (A–C). A: Macroscopic appearance of control mouse, B–C: Megsin-Cre/+, Adam10loxP/loxP mouse at Week 3(B) and Week 8(C). Morphological changes in the conditional mutant skin were found (D–E). Adult Megsin-Cre/+, Adam10loxP/loxP mutant mice display keratin cysts (star in E). Sagittal sections of adult control and mutant mice showing hypoplasia of squamous epithelium in the forestomach of Megsin-Cre/+, Adam10loxP/loxP mouse (I), when compared to the control (H). No morphological changes were detected in the esophagus (F–G) or glandular hindstomach (J–K). Scale bar: 100 μm.