Kir6.2 and SUR1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 cells. The cells were incubated with either the 19-mer or 33-mer gliadin fragment in the medium overnight. Currents were activated by a ramp protocol every 5 s as described in Fig. 4. A. Representative KATP currents in a cell incubated with the 19-mer. Trace (1): prior to washout of endogenous ATP, trace (2): after washout of ATP. B. Representative currents from a cell incubated with the 33-mer before and after washout of ATP. C: The time-dependence of the effect of the 19-mer (black circles) or the 33-mer (grey circles) on maximum inward current. The data points represent maximum inward current at the start of the ramp protocol during washout of endogenous ATP. D. A summary of current densities. Non-transfected cells (NT, n = 3), transfected cells incubated in control medium (KATP, n = 7), transfected cells incubated in the 19-mer (KATP, 19, n = 9) or transfected cells incubated in the 33-mer (KATP, 33, n = 9). Average current density before (white) and after (grey) ATP washout is shown.