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. 2013 Feb 23;28(7):901–907. doi: 10.1007/s11606-012-2306-z

Table 2.

Responses of the 42 Graduates of the VA Women’s Health Fellowship (VAWHF) Program to Survey Items About Career Outcomes, Mentoring, and Adequacy of Fellowship Training

Item Response * † Mean Agreement Score ‡
Number (%) Who Disagree Number (%) Who Agree Number (%) Who Strongly Agree
Career outcomes
 Completing the VAWHF improved my career prospects (n = 40) 0 (0) 10 (25) 30 (75) 86
 I was more competitive for career positions as a result of completing the VAWHF (n = 38) 1 (3) 12 (32) 25 (66) 85
 I feel better trained than peers in academic medicine as a result of completing the VAWHF (n = 37) 2 (5) 14 (38) 21 (57) 78
 I am happy in my current career position (n = 40) 2 (5) 7 (18) 31 (78) 84
 I have encouraged others to apply for a VAWHF (n = 34) 5 (15) 4 (12) 25 (74) 81
 It was easy to find a position that matched my career goals (n = 40) 5 (13) 15 (38) 20 (50) 73
 I was adequately mentored during my VAWHF (n = 38) 3 (8) 9 (24) 26 (68) 81
 It was easy for me to identify research mentors (n = 36) 4 (11) 12 (33) 20 (56) 79
 It was easy for me to identify career mentors (n = 39) 7 (18) 10 (26) 22 (56) 73
Education skills: The VAWHF improved my ability to…
 Teach in small-group settings (n = 38) 5 (13) 15 (39) 18 (47) 73
 Give lectures (n = 39) 5 (13) 14 (36) 20 (51) 72
 Teach physical examination (n = 38) 8 (21) 22 (58) 8 (21) 60
 Write test questions (n = 30) 14 (47) 8 (27) 8 (27) 51
Research skills: The VAWHF improved my ability to…
 Statistically evaluate data (n = 39) 2 (5) 11 (28) 26 (67) 82
 Interpret evidence-based medicine (n = 38) 2 (5) 8 (21) 28 (74) 81
 Present at national meetings (n = 39) 4 (10) 10 (26) 25 (64) 80
 Publish research articles (n = 38) 4 (11) 8 (21) 26 (68) 80
 Devise comprehensive research projects (n = 39) 5 (13) 11 (28) 23 (59) 75
 Apply for research grants (n = 39) 8 (21) 12 (31) 19 (49) 69
Career development skills: The VAWHF improved my ability to…
 Mentor peers, junior faculty, residents, and students (n = 35) 3 (9) 12 (34) 20 (57) 76
 Write letters of recommendation (n = 34) 7 (21) 13 (38) 14 (41) 68
 Negotiate job contracts effectively (n = 38) 17 (45) 14 (37) 7 (18) 51

*Survey participants were asked to assign scores from 0 to 100 on a slide-rule scale, with 0 indicating “strongly disagree” and 100 indicating “strongly agree.” Scores were categorized as follows: disagree (< 50), agree (50–75), and strongly agree (76–100)

†Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100

‡The mean score was derived from numerical scores ranging from 0 to 100