Representative immunohistochemical images for calcineurin DAB staining in CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampus and piriform cortex (PC) and median eminence (ME) region of hypothalamus of young (Y), old ad libitum fed (OAL) and old intermittent fasting dietary restricted (ODR) rats. The intense staining was observed in CA1, CA3 and DG regions of hippocampus and PC of brain in old DR rats. Histograms represent percent change in staining intensity taking intensity in 3-month-old young rats as 100%. Values are mean ± SEM of five experiments (n = 3–5) from 3 months young adult, 24-month-old AL and DR rats. *p < 0.05 young vs old AL and DR rats, #p < 0.05 old AL vs old DR rats, Bonferroni’s test after one-way ANOVA