Figure 1. CD45+/pro-Col-1α+ cells in SSc-ILD.
A: CD45-PE vs. intracellular isotype control + anti-rat-FITC analyses on blood from a representative normal subject. This control was used to set negative gates. X-axis: rat IgGk intracellular isotype. Y-axis: anti-CD45-PE. B: CD45+/pro-Col-1α+ cells in normal blood. X-axis: pro-Col-1α stained with anti-rat secondary antibody. Y-axis: anti-CD45-PE. C: Anti CD45-PE vs. intracellular isotype control and anti-rat FITC performed on blood from patient with SSc-ILD. This control was used to set negative gates for the SSc-ILD sample. X-axis: rat IgGk intracellular isotype. Y-axis: anti-CD45-PE. D: CD45+/pro-Col-1α+ cells in SSc-ILD blood, same axes as 1B. E: FSC vs. SSC analysis of PBMCs from the sample in (D). F: FSC vs. SSC analysis of PBMCs from the double positive population in (D). G. Comparison of fibrocyte percentages (left axis) and quantities (right axis) in normal (n = 27, gray bar) and SSc-ILD subjects (n=12, black bar). Fibrocyte quantities but not percentages are increased in SSc-ILD. H: Comparison of lymphocytes (dotted bar), monocytes (checked bar) and fibrocytes (black bar) fibrocyte concentrations in normal control (left) and SSC-ILD blood (right). Monocyte quantities are increased in patients with SSc-ILD. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. *p<0.05, *p<0.01.