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. 2013 May;103(5):813–821. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301069


Stigma Prevalence, Effects on the Distribution of Life Chances, and Associated Health Outcomes

Review Studies Documenting Effects of Stigma
Stigmatized Status Prevalence in General Population, % Housinga Employment/Income Education/Academic Outcomes Social Relationships Psychological/Behavioralb Health Carec Health
Mental illness 32.4 (current)13; 46.4 (lifetime)14 Link and Phelan,9 Hinshaw and Cicchetti15 Link et al.,16 Corrigan and Penn,17 Link and Phelan18 Link et al.16 Hinshaw and Cicchetti,15 Link and Phelan18 Pachankis,19 Livingston and Boyd,20 Hinshaw and Stier,21 Rüsch et al.22 Hinshaw and Cicchetti,15 Corrigan et al.,23 Ross and Goldner24 Mak et al.25
Minority sexual orientation 3.526 Coker et al.27 Badgett28 Hatzenbuehler,29 Meyer,30 Friedman et al.31 Pachankis,19 Hatzenbuehler,29 Coker et al.27 Cochran32 Meyer,30 Cochran32
Obesity 33.833 Puhl and Brownell34 Puhl and Brownell,34 Puhl and Latner,35 Puhl and Heuer36 Puhl and Latner,35 Puhl and Heuer,36 Pettit37 Puhl and Brownell38 Puhl and Brownell,34 Puhl and Heuer36 Puhl and Latner,35 Puhl and Heuer36
HIV/AIDS 0.00339 Leaver et al.40 Herek41 Herek41 Herek,41 Crawford42 Pachankis,19 Herek41 Mawar et al.43 Mahajan et al.44 Rabkin,45 Logie and Gadalla,46
Disability 21.847 Smeets et al.48 Smeets et al.48 Jacoby et al.,49 de Boer et al.50 Smeets et al.,48 Beart et al.,51 Livneh et al.52 MacLeod and Austin53 Jacoby et al.49
Minority race/ethnicity Hispanic, 16.3; non-White, 27.654 Massey and Denton,55 Williams and Collins56 Williams57 Steele,58 Zirkel59 Williams and Collins56 Smart Richman and Leary60 Williams57 Paradies,61 Williams et al.,62 Clark et al.63

Note. We included review articles that discussed more than 1 article in each domain.


Being denied housing as a result of discrimination or being overrepresented among the homeless population because of stigma.


Self-esteem, emotion regulation processes, and coping responses to stigma-related stressors.


Attitudes of health care providers, suboptimal treatment, or reduced likelihood of accessing prevention and intervention services.