Effect of different sulfhydryl reagent modifications of N238C and L240C on proton-mediated currents and propofol modulation.
A, shown are chemical structures of MTSEA, MMTS, and PCMBS−. B, MMTS (5 mm, 2 min) modification of N238C inhibits GLIC currents and preserves propofol potentiation of pH 5.2 currents. C, PCMBS− (1 mm, 2min) modification of L240C potentiates GLIC currents and preserves propofol inhibition of pH 5.2 application currents. Solid line, pH5–20 application; open bars, 100 μm propofol. D, shown is a summary of the effects of MTSEA, MMTS, and PCMBS− modification of N238C and L240C on pH10–30 currents. Ratio of currents after modification to before modification are plotted (Imodified/I). Data are the mean ± S.E. from ≥3 experiments. E, modulation of pH5–20 currents by 100 μm propofol (I+propofol/I) before (unmodified) and after modification of N238C and L240C with MTSEA, MMTS, and PCMBS− are plotted. Data are the mean ± S.E. from ≥3 experiments.