Effects of HAMLET or oleate on gene expression. 549 lung carcinoma cells were treated with HAMLET (35 μm) or oleate (175 μm), and RNA was harvested after 1 h. A, shown is a heatmap of the top 200 differentially expressed genes (log 2-fold change >1 and p value < 0.05) by -fold change. B, up- and down-regulated genes in HAMLET- versus oleate-treated samples are shown. More genes were differentially regulated by HAMLET than by oleate. C, HAMLET caused differential expression of 202 genes, 19 of which were shared by oleate. D, shown are shared or specific canonical pathways regulated by HAMLET or oleate. E, confirmation of gene expressions for FOS, JUN, HSPA6, DDX3X, TNFRSF10D, and DUSP1 using RT-PCR. F, a network of cancer-related genes differentially regulated by HAMLET is shown. Down-regulated genes were colored in green, and up-regulated genes are in red. Expression values from the oleate sample were overlaid onto the same network, showing that most genes were not differentially regulated in the oleate sample.