Figure 3.
Relative mRNA changes in maize plant roots (A) and leaves (B) at 1 month after planting (MAP) and 18 days after pollination (DAP). Maize plants were selected based on presence and absence of the soybean ferritin DNA using PCR. Data collected at 1 MAP and 18 DAP represent time before and after soybean ferritin transgene expression, respectively. For each gene, the delta cycle threshold (ct) values were normalized using 18S RNA. mRNA transcript levels in both PCR negative and positive samples were compared after normalization with respect to the ferritin PCR negative samples. The horizontal line on Figure represents values for PCR negative samples, normalized to one relative to the PCR negatives. Significant differences at P < 0.05 and P < 0.001) between transgene PCR positive and negative samples are indicated with one star and two stars, respectively, on top of the bar.