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. 2013 Jul 5;368(1621):20130112. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0112

Table 2.

Global estimates of terrestrial denitrification.

total soil groundwater riparian zone
N (Tg yr−1)
 Emery et al. [22] 69
 Gruber & Sarmiento [23] 175–202
 Codispoti et al. [24] 255–450
 Søderlund & Svensson [25] 108–160
 Tiedje [2]a 105–185
 Van Drecht et al. [18]; Seitzinger et al. [21] 124 44
 Canfield et al. [26] 100
 Galloway et al. [1]a (year ∼2000) 125
 Galloway et al. [1]a (year 2050) 173
 this study (year 2000) 109 (101–118)b 79 (72–85)b 24 (19–29)b 6 (5–9)b
 this study (year 2050) 110–158c 80–119c 24–30c 6–8c
 Hofstra & Bouwman [26] 22–87
 this study (year 2000) 51

aAs estimates are based on mass balance considerations, these numbers probably represent total terrestrial denitrification.

bStandard model and range from sensitivity analysis (electronic supplementary material, table S5 and S6).

cLowest (TG) and highest (GO) scenario.