Influence of exogenous pyoluteorin on pyoluteorin and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol production by derivatives of Pf-5. Cultures of Pf-5 iceC+ (•,○) and Pf-5 pltB::inaZ (▿,▾) were grown in nonamended NBGly (filled symbols) or in NBGly amended with 4 μg of pyoluteorin/ml (open symbols). At the indicated sampling times following inoculation, pyoluteorin concentrations (a), 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol concentrations (b), and population densities of cultures (c) were assessed. Population sizes did not differ significantly between pyoluteorin-amended and nonamended treatments at any time point. All three panels represent data from the same experiment. Error bars denote one standard error.