Table 2.
Final models for Anxiety and Sedative Exposure (≥ 2 days of data)
Model Results VAS-A Sedation frequency N = 241 | Model Results VAS-A Sedation frequency N = 241 | Model Results Sedation intensity N = 266 | Model Results Sedation frequency N = 266 | |||||
β(95% CI) Change in mm for VAS-A for 1 unit change in predictor | p-value | β(95% CI) Change in mm for VAS-A for 1 unit change in predictor | p-value | β(95% CI) Change in sedation intensity for 1 unit change in predictor | p-value | β(95% CI) Change in sedation frequency for 1 unit change in predictor | p-value | |
Intercept | 35.6(23.3, 48.0) | <.001 | 34.9(22.6,47.2) | <.001 | 5.3(3.5,7.1) | <.001 | 7.3(5.1,9.5) | <.001 |
Day | −.50(−1.1, .05) | .08 | −.51(−1.1,.04) | .07 | −.03(−.15,.09) | .65 | −.17(−.27, −.07) | <.001 |
VAS-A day 0 | .11(−.05, .27) | .18 | .11(−.05,.27) | .18 | ||||
PDM | −19.5(−32.2, −6.8) | .003* | −19.3(−32.0,−6.6) | .003* | .14(−.92,1.2) | .79 | .69(−.68,2.1) | .33 |
HP | −8.3(−21.4, 4.8) | .22 | −8.3(−8.7,−7.9) | .21 | 18(−.86, 1.2) | .73 | −.01(−1.3,1.3) | .99 |
APACHE III | .16(.02, .30) | .02* | .16(.02,.30) | .02* | .003(−.01.02) | .79 | .005(−.01,.02) | .65 |
Age | −.03(−.05, −.01) | .03* | −.04(−.08,−.008) | .03* | ||||
sex | 88(.15,1.6) | .02* | .94(.02,1.9) | .047* | ||||
PDM * day | −.18(−.36,−.004) | .05 | −.21(−.37,−.05) | .01* | ||||
HP * day | −08(−.24,.08) | .32 | −.03(−.17,.11) | .72 | ||||
Adj sedation intensity | .75(.01,1.5) | .05 | ||||||
Adj sedation frequency | .42(−.15, .99) | .14 | ||||||
PDM*VAS-A day 0 | .25(.03, .47) | .02* | .25(.03,.47) | .02* | ||||
HP*VAS-A day 0 | .11(−.13, .35) | .33 | .12(−.12,.36) | .32 |
Pair-wise comparisons | ||||||||
VAS-A day 0 | VAS-A day 0 | Sedation intensity | Sedation Frequency | |||||
PDM vs HP | .14(−.08,.36) | .24 | .13(−.09,.35) | .24 | −.09(−.27,.09) | .32 | −.18(−.36,−004) | .04 |
PDM vs UC | .25(.03,.47) | .02* | .25(.03,.47) | .02* | −.18(−.36,−.004) | .05* | −.21(−.37,−.05) | .01* |
HP vs UC | .11(−.13,.35) | .33 | .12(−.12,.36) | .32 | −.08(−.24,.08) | .32 | −.03(−.17, .11) | .72 |
Abbreviations: PDM, patient-directed music; HP, headphones; UC, usual care; Adj, adjusted ; APACHE III, Acute physiology, age and chronic health evaluation. Example of interpretation of table: formula to predict sedation frequency for PDM group at any time point:
Sedation Frequency = 7.3 −.17(day in study) −.21(day if in PDM group) + .69(if in PDM group) + .005(APACHE III score) −.04(age) + .94(if female). The intercept represents the overall average of frequency sedation at baseline, 7.3 doses. Every patient goes down an average of .17 doses per day, if the patient is in the PDM group, for each day, the dose frequency goes down another .21 points for (.17 + .21 = .38) decrease per day. If the patient was in the PDM group, the baseline average was .69 higher (7.3+.69 = 7.99), every increase of 1 point in the APACHE III score raises the total daily dose frequency another .005. For every 1 year older a patient is, their sedation frequency goes down .04 pts. If the patient is female, the dose frequency goes up .94.