Fig. 6.
Cultures of LIA bryophytes from the Tear Drop glacial foreland demonstrating regrowth (in vitro). (A) Prolific protonemal gemmae growth and gametophore development from exhumed E. procera material (CLF-13145). (Scale bar, 5 mm.) (B) Dense, pure development of A. turgidum (SBG44–D12). (Scale bar, 2.4 mm.) (C) A. turgidum with D. capillaceum and Ptychostomum sp. (SBG27–D7) growing intermixed. (Scale bar, 15 mm.) (D) Development of gametophore (Inset) of A. turgidum on ground leaf tissue of parent LIA specimen (SBG44–D12). (Scale bar, 1.5 mm.)