Fig. 3.
Representative candidate mRNAs are specifically deregulated for translation in eif3ha morphant embryos. (A) Representative transcripts that are depleted in the polysome fractions obtained from eif3ha morphants. The complete list is presented in Dataset S1. The respective changes in total RNA [(WT/MO)total], polysomal RNA [(WT/MO)poly], and change in translation state relative to total RNA [(WT/MO)poly/(WT/MO)total] are indicated. (B) Eno2 and Ckmt2 are translationally regulated by eif3ha as shown by Western blotting of cell-free extracts prepared from embryos injected with control morpholino (CO MO) and eif3ha morphants. (C) qPCR analysis confirms a significant change in translational state for eno2 and ckmt2. (D) Representative Western blot and subsequent quantification from three independent experiments following coinjection of pvalb1-FLAG RNA into the control or eif3ha morphant embryos, as indicated. Lysates were isolated at 24 hpf. (E) Corresponding qPCR results of pvalb1-FLAG RNA confirming that total transcript levels are not significantly changed in the morphant.