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. 2013 May 15;98(1):146–159. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.051318


Characteristics of the general population in the included studies1

Source Participants Age Men Duration of follow-up Exposure assessment Exposure categories No. of incidents Case identification methods Adjusted variables
n y % y
Type 2 diabetes
 Vang et al, 2008 (51), AMS and AHS, USA 8401 45–88 61.1 17.0 Semiquantitative questionnaire 0, 1/wk, ≥1/wk 543 diabetes Self-administered questionnaires Age and sex
 Djousse et al, 2009 (37), PHS I, USA 20,703 40–86 100 20.0 Self-administered questionnaire 0, <1/wk, 1921 diabetes Physician's self-reported Age, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, vigorous exercise, and history of hypercholesterolemia and hypertension
 Djousse et al, 2009 (37), WHS, USA 36,295 39–90 0 11.7 Self-administered questionnaire 0, 2112 diabetes Self-reported diabetes was confirmed by telephone interviews, supplemental questionnaire, or review of medical records Age, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, red meat intake, quintiles of energy intake, fruit and vegetables, SFAs, trans fatty acids, PUFAs, family history of diabetes, and history of hypercholesterolemia and hypertension
 Djousse et al, 2010 (41), CHS, USA 1669 65–95 100 11.3 Picture-sort questionnaire Never, 142 diabetes Diagnosed by clinical examination according to ADA 2010 criteria Age, race, BMI, smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, cereal-fiber intake, and field center
almost daily
Djousse et al, 2010 (41), CHS, USA 2229 65–98 0 11.3 Picture-sort questionnaire Never, 171 diabetes Diagnosed by clinical examination according to ADA 2010 criteria Age, race, BMI, smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, cereal-fiber intake, and field center
<1/mo, 1–3/mo, 1–4/wk, almost daily
Cardiovascular disease
 Hu et al, 1999 (30), HPFS, USA2 37,851 40–75 100 7.2 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 866 CHD, Review medical record Age, BMI, 2-y time periods, cigarette smoking, parental history of myocardial infarction, multivitamin supplement use, vitamin E supplement use, alcohol consumption, history of hypertension, physical activity, and total energy intake
1/wk, 258 stroke
 Hu et al, 1999 (30), NHS, USA 80,082 34–59 0 13.2 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 939 CHD, Review medical record Age, BMI, 2-y time periods, cigarette smoking, parental history of myocardial infarction, multivitamin supplement use, vitamin E supplement use, alcohol consumption, menopausal status and postmenopausal hormone use, history of hypertension, physical activity, and total energy intake
1/wk, 563 stroke
 He et al, 2003 (31), HPFS, USA2 43,732 40–75 100 14.0 Semi-quantitative questionnaire <1/wk, 455 ischemic stroke, 125 hemorrhagic stroke Medical record Age, BMI, physical activity, history of hypertension, smoking status, aspirin use, multivitamin use, total servings of fruit and vegetables, total energy intake, hypercholesterolemia, and consumption of alcohol, potassium, fiber, and vitamin E
 Nakamura et al, 2006 (32), JPHCPS, Japan Total: 90,735; cohort I: 41,234; cohort II: 49,471 I: 40–59; II: 40–69 I: 48.2;II: 47.4 10.2 Self-administered questionnaire <1 d/wk, 462 CHD Medical record Age, sex, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, use of cholesterol-lowering drugs, smoking, alcohol, intention to avoid cholesterol-rich diets, cohort effects, and consumption frequencies of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit
1–2 d/wk,
3–4 d/wk,
almost daily
 Qureshi et al, 2007 (33), NHANES I, USA 9734 25–74 38.6 16.6 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 655 total stroke, Registry Age, sex, race-ethnicity, systolic BP, DM, serum cholesterol, cigarette smoking, BMI, and education status
1–6/wk, 591 ischemic stroke
≥7/wk (ICD-9-CM codes 430, 431–434.9, or 437.0–437.1);
1584 CAD (ICD-9-CM codes 410–414)
Djousse and Gaziano, 2008 (34), PHS, USA 21,327 40–86 100 20.0 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 1550 new MI, Questionnaire Age, BMI, smoking, history of hypertension, vitamin intake, alcohol consumption, vegetable consumption, breakfast cereal, physical activity, treatment arm a-fib, DM, hypercholesterolemia, and parental history of premature MI
1/wk, 1342 total stroke
 Houston et al, 2011 (35), Health ABC Study, USA 1600 70–79 44.5 9.0 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 158 CVD Annual clinical examination and medical record Age, sex, race, education, field center, smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, BMI, total energy intake, protein intake, fiber intake, multivitamin use, supplemental vitamin E use, statin use, aspirin use, oral estrogen use (women), prevalent hypertension, and SFAs
 Zazpe et al, 2011 (36), SUN Project, Spain 14,185 20–90 40.9 5.8 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 91 CVD Self-reported questionnaire and medical record Age, sex, total energy intake, adherence to the Mediterranean food pattern, alcohol intake, BMI, smoking status, physical activity, family history of CVD, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia
 Yaemsiri et al, 2012 (44), WHI-OS, USA 87,025 50–79 0 7.6 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 1049 ischemic stroke Self-report and medical record Age, race, education, family income, years as a regular smoker, hormone replacement therapy use, physical activity, alcohol intake, aspirin use, use of antihypertensive medication and cholesterol-lowering medication, BMI, systolic BP, total energy intake, dietary vitamin E, intake of fruit and vegetables and fiber, and history of CHD, a-fib, and diabetes
 Mann et al, 1997 (46), UK 10,802 16–79 38.0 13.3 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 64 IHD death Registry Age, sex, smoking, and social class
392 all-cause death 1–5/wk,
 Sauvaget et al, 2003 (47), LSS, Japan 37,130 34–103 38.3 16.0 Self-administered questionnaire Never, 1462 stroke death Registry HR stratified by sex and birth cohort and adjusted for city, radiation dose, BMI, smoking status, alcohol habits, education level, history of diabetes, or hypertension
almost daily
 Nakamura et al, 2004 (43), NIPPON DATA80, Japan 4077 Mean 100 13.0 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 39 IHD death, Registry Age, serum creatinine, total cholesterol, blood glucose, BMI, systolic and diastolic BP, use of BP-lowering drugs, cigarette smoking, and alcohol intake
50.3 (>30) 1–2/wk, 0.5/d, 112 stroke death,
1/d 640 all-cause death
 Nakamura et al, 2004 (43), NIPPON DATA80, Japan 5186 Mean 50.7 (>30) 0 13.3 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 41 IHD death, Registry Age, serum creatinine, total cholesterol, blood glucose, BMI, systolic and diastolic BP, use of BP-lowering drugs, cigarette smoking, and alcohol intake
1–2/wk, 107 stroke death,
0.5/d, 562 all-cause death
 Qureshi et al, 2007 (33), NHANES-I, USA 9734 25–74 38.6 16.6 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 3117 all-cause death Registry Age, sex, race-ethnicity, systolic BP, DM, serum cholesterol, cigarette smoking, BMI, and education status
 Djousse and Gaziano, 2008 (34), PHS, USA 21,327 40–86 100 20.0 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 5169 all-cause death Self or family-reported questionnaire Age, BMI, smoking, history of hypertension, vitamin intake, alcohol consumption, vegetable consumption, breakfast cereal, physical activity, treatment arm a-fib, DM, hypercholesterolemia, and parental history of premature MI
 Scrafford et al, 2010 (50), NHANES III, USA 6833 >17 100 8.8 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 198 CHD death Registry Age, energy, marital status, education status, race-ethnicity, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, and alcohol intake
1–6/wk, (ICD-10 codes I20–I25), 63 stroke death (ICD-10 codes I60–I69)
 Scrafford et al, 2010 (50), NHANES III, USA 8113 >17 0 8.9 Self-administered questionnaire <1/wk, 168 CHD death, Registry Age, energy, marital status, education status, race-ethnicity, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, and alcohol intake
1–6/wk, 74 stroke death

ADA, American Diabetes Association; a-fib, atrial fibrillation; AMS and AHS, Adventist Mortality Study and Adventist Health Study; BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHD, coronary heart disease; CHS, Cardiovascular Health Study; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; Health ABC, Health, Aging and Body Composition; HPFS, Health Professionals Follow-Up Study; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; IHD, ischemic heart disease; JPHCPS, Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study; LSS, the Life Span Study; MI, myocardial infarction; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; NIPPON DATA80, National Integrated Project for prospective Observation of Non-communicable Disease and Its Trends In the Aged, 1980; PHS, Physicians’ Health Study; WHI-OS, Women's Health Initiative Observational Study; WHS, Women's Health Study.


Two cohort studies have the outcomes for stroke from the same cohort, HPFS.