Fig. 1.
Diffusion-weighted and diffusion-calculated (ADC) images. The set of diffusion-weighted images is obtained using different b-values, by changing the intensity of the diffusion gradient pulses (gold trapezoids) in the MRI sequence. In diffusion-weighted images, the overall signal intensity in each voxel decreases with the b-value. Tissues with high diffusion (such as ventricles) get darker more rapidly when the b-value is increased and become black. Tissues with low diffusion remain with a higher signal. As diffusion-weighted images also contain T1 and T2 contrast, one may want to calculate pure diffusion (or ADC) images. To do so, the variation of the signal intensity, A(x, y, z), of each voxel (red boxes) with the b-value is fitted using Eq. (3) to estimate the ADC for each voxel (green box). In the resulting image, the contrast is inverted: bright corresponds to fast diffusion and dark to low diffusion.