A, Average time required by ES animals (for blocks of 5 trials) to meet wheel turning criteria to terminate shock. B, Mean (+/- SEM) time spent exploring the juvenile conspecific 24 h after 80 tail shocks (PND 35) in a 3 min social exploration test on PND 36 (* denotes significant (p<.05) difference from HC). C, Mean (+/- SEM) time spent exploring the juvenile conspecific 35 days after 80 tail shocks (PND 35) in a 3 min social exploration test on PND 70 (* denotes significant difference from HC). D, Mean (+/- SEM) time spent exploring the juvenile conspecific after receiving ES, IS, HC during adolescence (PND 35) followed by IS or HC 35 days later (PND 70) in a 3 min social exploration test on PND 71 (* denotes significant (p<.05) difference from HC). Brackets denote a significant difference between ES/IS and both IS/IS and HC/IS.