Table 1.
Hill’s considerations for causality inference in observational associations. Each causality benchmark is examined for cachexia–death association
Benchmark | Definition/comments | Application to cachexia–death association |
1. Temporalitya | The cause (exposure) must precede the effect (outcome). | PRO: Wasting and weight loss occurs weeks, months, or years before death |
CON: Death is inherently the final event. Death may also occur during weight gain, e.g., upon nutritional support. | ||
2. Strength of association | Stronger association may make causality more likely. | PRO: Most studies indicate strong and consistent associations between weight loss (pre-cachexia to cachexia) and imminent death. |
CON: The reported strengths of the associations are not consistent. Disease severity, rather than cachexia, predicts death. | ||
3. Biological gradient (dose–response) | Greater exposure increases the incidence or magnitude of the effect. | PRO: Wasting severity or more rapid weight loss may be associated with higher likelihood of death. |
CON: The wasting severity or cachexia progression rapidity has inconsistent and in some studies even weak association with death risk. | ||
4. Consistency | The association can be replicated in studies in different settings using different methods. | PRO: Different weight loss patterns, e.g., anorexia nervosa and cancer cachexia, and different types of wasting, i.e., both fat loss and muscle loss, lead to death |
CON: Some types of weight loss such intentional weight loss or fat loss may be fully reversed without any risk of death (e.g., yoyo dieting). | ||
5. Biologic plausibility | The association is consistent with known biological or pathological processes.b | PRO: Cachexia may lead to thromboembolic events, arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death, immune system disarrays and higher rates of cardiovascular and infectious disease events and death. |
CON: There is essentially no confirmed pathophysiologic pathway between cachexia and death. | ||
6. Experimentation | The putative effect can be altered (prevented or mitigated) by an experimental regimen. | PRO: In some animal models, starvation and weight loss can lead to death. Improving cachexia in human subjects improves survival. |
CON: The current cachexia animal models are scarce and not convincing. Trials of nutritional support or anti-cachectic interventions in human subjects have often not improved survival. | ||
7. Specificity | A single cause produces the effect without other pathways. | PRO: Preceding wasting and weight loss can fully explain death events. |
CON: Cachexia is only one of the correlates of chronic progressive disease states and likely an epiphenomenon (see Fig. 1, models 2 and 3). Death often happens in various acute and chronic diseases independent of cachexia. | ||
8. Biologic coherence | The association is consistent with the natural history of the disease or laboratory findings. | PRO: A lower risk of death should result from preventing weight loss or by nutritional support. |
CON: Natural history of death in chronic disease states has little to do with wasting and weight loss if any. | ||
9. Analogy | The effect of similar factors may be considered in other populations or under different settings. | PRO: Wasting, fat, and muscle mass loss precede death as seen in any risk factors that precede mortal events. |
CON: There is no biologically plausible analogy in death due to other conditions, such as cardiovascular (atherosclerosis) or cancer death. |
aNote that temporality is the only necessary (but not sufficient) condition of causality
bHowever, studies that disagree with established understanding of biological processes may force a reevaluation of accepted beliefs