Table 2:
Summary findings of studies of cost effectiveness of breast cancer screening in women aged between 50 and 70 years. All the studies used secondary data for modeling
Author, year | Country | Perspective | Model | Intervals, age groups | Results |
VanIneveld et al., 1993 (36) | Different countries | Health system | MISCAN | Biennial 50–70 years | Cost per life year gained for Netherlands, UK, France and Spain, respectively: ≈$3162, ≈$2685, ≈$8651 and ≈$14468. |
Carter et al., 1993 (39) | Australia | Health system | MISCAN | Biennial 50–69 years, triennial 50–69 years | Cost per life year gained, respectively: $14733 and $13081 |
Rosenquist et al., 1994 (31) | USA | Health system | Markov | Annual 60–69 years | $15,500 per life year gained |
Beemsterboer et al., 1994 (48) | Germany | Health system | MISCAN | Biennial 50–69 years | ≈$11135 per life year gained and ≈$11728 per QALY gained. |
Szeto et al., 1996 (50) | New Zealand | Health system | MICROLIFE | Biennial 50–64 years, triennial 50–64 years, biennial 50–69 years | Cost per life year gained, respectively: $14510, $12668, $14,597. |
Plans et al., 1996 (51) | Spain | Health system | simple modeling | 50–64 years (interval not determined) | $8424 per cancer detected |
Hakama et al., 1997 (41) | Finland | Societal | simple modeling | Biennial 50–69 years | Cost per death averted, per life year gained and per QALY gained, respectively: $77100, $15400 and $15900 |
Salzmann et al., 1997 (32) | USA | Health system | Markov | Annual 50–69 years, biennial 50–69 | Cost per life year gained, respectively: $45700 and $21400; cost per QALY gained, respectively: $46500, $21700 |
Boer et al., 1998 (45) | UK | Health system | MISCAN | Triennial 50–64 years, triennial 50–69 years, biennial 50–64 years | Cost per life year gained, respectively: ≈$4195, ≈$4343, ≈$4506; cost per death averted, respectively: ≈$41824, ≈$40265, ≈$46353 |
Leivo et al., 1999 (42) | Finland | Societal | simple modeling | Biennial 50–59 years | $18955 per life year gained |
Norum, 1999 (43) | Norway | Health system | Decision tree | Biennial 50–69 years | Cost per cancer detected and cost per life year gained, respectively: ≈$17202 and ≈$14208. |
Wang et al., 2001 (44) | Norway | Health system | Decision tree | Biennial 50–69 years | Cost per life year gained, and cost per life saved respectively: $3750 and $86045 |
Arveux et al., 2003 (47) | France | Health system | Markov | Annual 50–65 years | $25000 per life year gained |
Groot et al., 2006 (37) | Different countries | Societal | Mathematical simulation | Biennial 50–70 years | Cost per DALY averted, respectively for Africa, North America and Asia: $75, $915 and $75. |
Stout et al., 2006 (33) | USA | Societal | Discrete event simulation | 5-yearly 55–70 years | $27000 per QALY gained |
Okonkwo et al., 2008 (28) | India | Health system | MISCAN | Once at age 50, biennial 50–70 years | Cost per life year gained, respectively: $1634 and $3308; cost per death averted: $22220 and $36731 |
Rojnik et al., 2008 (53) | Slovenia | Health system | Markov | Triennial 50–65 years | ≈$9801 per QALY gained |
de Gelder et al., 2009 (49) | Switzerland | Health system | MISCAN | Biennial 50–69 years | Cost per life year gained and per QALY gained, respectively: ≈$16895 and ≈$18233. |