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. 2013 Apr 1;42(4):347–357.

Table 2:

Summary findings of studies of cost effectiveness of breast cancer screening in women aged between 50 and 70 years. All the studies used secondary data for modeling

Author, year Country Perspective Model Intervals, age groups Results
VanIneveld et al., 1993 (36) Different countries Health system MISCAN Biennial 50–70 years Cost per life year gained for Netherlands, UK, France and Spain, respectively: ≈$3162, ≈$2685, ≈$8651 and ≈$14468.
Carter et al., 1993 (39) Australia Health system MISCAN Biennial 50–69 years, triennial 50–69 years Cost per life year gained, respectively: $14733 and $13081
Rosenquist et al., 1994 (31) USA Health system Markov Annual 60–69 years $15,500 per life year gained
Beemsterboer et al., 1994 (48) Germany Health system MISCAN Biennial 50–69 years ≈$11135 per life year gained and ≈$11728 per QALY gained.
Szeto et al., 1996 (50) New Zealand Health system MICROLIFE Biennial 50–64 years, triennial 50–64 years, biennial 50–69 years Cost per life year gained, respectively: $14510, $12668, $14,597.
Plans et al., 1996 (51) Spain Health system simple modeling 50–64 years (interval not determined) $8424 per cancer detected
Hakama et al., 1997 (41) Finland Societal simple modeling Biennial 50–69 years Cost per death averted, per life year gained and per QALY gained, respectively: $77100, $15400 and $15900
Salzmann et al., 1997 (32) USA Health system Markov Annual 50–69 years, biennial 50–69 Cost per life year gained, respectively: $45700 and $21400; cost per QALY gained, respectively: $46500, $21700
Boer et al., 1998 (45) UK Health system MISCAN Triennial 50–64 years, triennial 50–69 years, biennial 50–64 years Cost per life year gained, respectively: ≈$4195, ≈$4343, ≈$4506; cost per death averted, respectively: ≈$41824, ≈$40265, ≈$46353
Leivo et al., 1999 (42) Finland Societal simple modeling Biennial 50–59 years $18955 per life year gained
Norum, 1999 (43) Norway Health system Decision tree Biennial 50–69 years Cost per cancer detected and cost per life year gained, respectively: ≈$17202 and ≈$14208.
Wang et al., 2001 (44) Norway Health system Decision tree Biennial 50–69 years Cost per life year gained, and cost per life saved respectively: $3750 and $86045
Arveux et al., 2003 (47) France Health system Markov Annual 50–65 years $25000 per life year gained
Groot et al., 2006 (37) Different countries Societal Mathematical simulation Biennial 50–70 years Cost per DALY averted, respectively for Africa, North America and Asia: $75, $915 and $75.
Stout et al., 2006 (33) USA Societal Discrete event simulation 5-yearly 55–70 years $27000 per QALY gained
Okonkwo et al., 2008 (28) India Health system MISCAN Once at age 50, biennial 50–70 years Cost per life year gained, respectively: $1634 and $3308; cost per death averted: $22220 and $36731
Rojnik et al., 2008 (53) Slovenia Health system Markov Triennial 50–65 years ≈$9801 per QALY gained
de Gelder et al., 2009 (49) Switzerland Health system MISCAN Biennial 50–69 years Cost per life year gained and per QALY gained, respectively: ≈$16895 and ≈$18233.