Figure 5. Field-effect transistor measurements and a p-n junction device fabricated from doped NCs.
(a) The structure of FETs (middle) along with schematic illustrations of the distributions of electrons across electronic states in intrinsic (i.e., undoped) NCs (left) vs. cobaltocene-treated n-doped NCs (right). (b) The ID-vs.-VDS characteristics of the PbSe NC-FET treated with hydrazine. (c) The same device after cobaltocene treatment. (d) The ID-vs.-VGS characteristics of the same FETs shown in (a) and (b). (e) The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a p-n diode for cobaltocene-treated NC films (red) and undoped films, prepared via mild treatment with hydrazine (black). Inset: the structure of the device.