Desmodus rotundus salivary tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). (A) Alignment of vampire bat TFPI sequenced here and Vertebrata TFPI-1, and TFPI-2. Accession numbers are indicated in the figure. HOMSAP, Homo sapiens; BOSTAU, Bos taurus; EQUCAB, Equus caballus; SUSSCR; Sus scrofa; MACMUL, Macaca mulatta; PANTRO, Pan troglodytes. PONABE, Pongo abelii. Kunitz domains are boxed (numbering based on human TFPI). Ixolaris, a TFPI from the tick Ixoldes scapularis is also aligned [85]. (B) Phylogeny of Kunitz inhibitors (e.g., TFPI, Kunitz protease inhibitor, and amyloid Kunitz protein) from vampire bats and other members from Vertebrata. (C) Predicted secondary structure for two-Kunitz vampire bat TFPI, named Desmolaris. Numbering is based on the two Kunitz domains of Desmolaris. Arrows indicate the P1′ positions. Modified from [80].