Figure 1.
Ensembl annotation of mammalian SAMD9 and SAMD9L genes, and neighboring genes. Ensembl annotation of the available mammalian SAMD9 and SAMD9L genes, both complete and incomplete coding region sequences, are represented. Complete sequences for both genes are highlighted (dark yellow for SAMD9 and light yellow for SAMD9L). Other SAMD9 and SAMD9L genes are already annotated in Ensembl, but at the time of these analyses were still incomplete, corresponding to the non-highlighted locations in the figure and were excluded from posterior analyses. Ensembl species by order of appearance: Modo - Opossum; Ecte - Lesser hedgehog tenrec; Bota - Cow; Susc - Pig; Vipa - Alpaca; Aime - Panda; Calu - Dog; Feca - Cat; Dano - Armadillo; Mylu - Microbat; Ptva - Megabat; Ereu - Hedgehog; Prca - Hyrax; Ocpr - Pika; Orcu - Rabbit; Eqca - Horse; Chho - Sloth; Caja - Marmoset; Gogo - Gorilla; Hosa - Human; Mamu - Macaque; Nole - Gibbon; Otga - Bushbaby; Patr - Chimpanzee; Poab - Orangutan; Tasy - Tarsier; Loaf - Elephant; Capo - Guinea pig; Dior - Kangaroo rat; Ictr - Squirrel; Mumu - Mouse; Rano - Rat; Soar - Shrew. To access the complete species name, the list of abbreviations should be consulted. Based on human chromosome 7 mapping, SAMD9 and SAMD9L neighboring genes were identified and represented (CDK6, HEPACAM2, CCDC132 and CALCR). Using Ensembl database, the same search was performed for the remaining species and the identified genes are represented under the forward strain arrow. The represented genes are, in most cases, the immediate neighboring genes, while for a reduced number of species some other genes are located in the same region, but were excluded for this purpose. “<” symbol: gene located on the reverse strand; “>” symbol: gene located on the forward strand.