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. 2013 Jun 13;8:11. doi: 10.1186/1749-8104-8-11

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Retinal terminals are smaller in the dorsomedial pole of vldlr−/−;lrp8−/− dLGN than throughout the rest of the dLGN. Retinal terminals were labeled in (A) P14 control and (B) vldlr−/−;lrp8−/− mutant (DKO) LGN by VGluT2-immunostaining. In (B), note the ectopic region of binocular retinal input in the dorsomedial pole of vldlr−/−;lrp8−/− dLGN is labeled with arrowheads. (C to I) High magnification images of VGluT2-labeled terminals in control and mutant dLGN, IGL and vLGN. VGluT2-immunolabeled terminals in the dorsomedial pole of mutant dLGN (dmdLGN) are shown in (I). Note that the size of VGluT2-containing terminals in dorsomedial pole of mutant dLGN are dramatically smaller than those in dLGN (C,D) and instead appear similar to terminals in vLGN and IGL (E,F). (J) Terminals sizes were measured in ImageJ. Terminal areas (in pixels2) were significantly larger in dLGN than in vLGN or IGL in controls. Terminal sizes in dorsomedial pole of mutant dLGN of DKO appeared quantitatively similar to control vLGN and IGL. P <0.05 for terminal sizes in vLGN (control), IGL (control) and dorsomedial pole of mutant dLGN (DKO) compared with dLGN (control) by ANOVA. Differences in terminal size between vLGN (control), IGL (control) and dorsomedial pole of mutant dLGN (DKO) were not statistically significant. The outline of the dLGN is depicted with green dots. dLGN are labeled ‘d’, vLGN are labeled ‘v’ and arrows indicate IGL. Scale bar = 160 μm for (A,B) and 30 μm for (C to I). Ctl, control; DKO, double knockout; dLGN, dorsal LGN; dmdLGN, dorsomedial pole of mutant dLGN; IGL, intergeniculate leaflet; LGN, lateral geniculate nucleus; VGluT2, vesicular glutamate transporter 2; vLGN, ventral LGN.