Sleep is increased in response to optogenetic stimulation of rAAV-MCH-ChR2-EYFP neurons. A, Effect of optogenetic stimulation on non-REM, REM sleep, and wake across the 24 h. Closed circles represent mice that were stimulated for 24 h starting at night, while the open triangles represent the same animals stimulated for 6 h in the second half of the day cycle. B, The average percentage difference from 0 Hz during the 12 h night period. Hatched bar represents mice (n = 7) without ChR2 but stimulated at 10 Hz. C, Average length (minutes) of episodes at night in mice with ChR2 stimulated at 0 Hz (open bar) or 10 Hz (black bar). D, Average number of transitions between the three sleep–wake states at night in mice with ChR2 stimulated at 0 Hz (open bar) or 10 Hz (black bar). Daytime data for length and transitions is provided in Figure 4. E, EEG power in the delta and theta frequencies in mice with ChR2 stimulated at 0 Hz (open circle) or 10 Hz (closed circle). F, Waxing and waning of delta power (0.5–4 Hz) across the night and day in mice with ChR2 stimulated at 0 Hz (open circle) or 10 Hz (closed circle). *p < 0.05 versus 0 Hz. #p < 0.05 versus 0 Hz for the two time periods. +p < 0.05 versus 0 or 5 Hz. Black bar on the abscissa in A and F denotes the 12 h night period.