Classes are characterized by unique GEP patterns. (upper panel) A supervised clustergram of the expression of 700 genes (50 SAM-defined overexpressed and 50 underexpressed genes from each of the 7 classes) across 256 newly diagnosed cases. Genes are indicated along the vertical axis and samples on the horizontal axis. The normalized expression value for each gene is indicated by a color, with red representing high expression and blue representing low expression. (lower panel) The Affymetrix gene-expression signal (expression level: vertical axis) for the mRNA of MAF MAFB, FGFR3, MMSET, CCND1, CCND2, CCND3, FRZB, and DKK1, within classes presented in the upper panel, are indicated. The normalized expression level for each gene across the samples is given by the height of each bar. Note that spiked expression of CCND1, MAF and MAFB, and FGFR3 and MMSET is strongly correlated with specific subgroup designations. Also note that cases retaining the MMSET spike, but lacking FGFR3 spikes maintain similar cluster designation, and MAF and MAFB spikes cluster in the same subgroups. Several MMSET and CCND1 spikes cases are evident in the PR class. CCND3 expression is mutually exclusive of CCND1 expression. Although overexpressed in the HY subgroup, FRZB and DKK1 are significantly underexpressed in LB and MF. Figures reproduced with permission from Blood.