Figure 12.
Superior colliculus (SC) connections with visual thalamus in squirrel 09-50. A: Dorsal view of the SC with the location and extent of choleratoxin subunit B (CTB; light gray) and fluoro-ruby (FR; dark gray) injection sites. B: Coronal sections of thalamus arranged in a caudal (top left) to rostral (bottom right) progression. The location of CTB-labeled axon terminals (dots) and CTB-labeled cells (squares), as well as FR labeled axon terminals (dots) and FR labeled cells (triangles) are presented for each section. C: Magnified photomicrograph of FR label in section 233 of B. D: High-power images of the FR injection site in coronal section. E: Photomicrograph of CTB injection site in coronal sections. Scale bars = 1 mm in B; 250 μm in C; 0.5 mm in D,E.