Figure 9.
Superior colliculus (SC) connections with visual thalamus in squirrel 09-02. A: Photomicrograph of fluoro-ruby (FR) injection site on the left and an image of the adjacent cytochrome oxidase (CO) section on the right. B: Dorsal view of the extent and estimated retinotopic location of the FR injection site. C: Coronal sections of thalamus with the locations of axon terminals (small black dots) and retrogradely labeled cell bodies (black triangles). Sections are arranged in a caudal (top left) to rostral (bottom right) direction. D,E,G are high-power images of axon terminal label within the pulvinar and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. F shows labeled cell bodies and axon terminals within the caudal pulvinar from section 336 in B. D corresponds to the boxed area in section 331; E corresponds to the large boxed area in section 376; G corresponds to the smaller boxed area in section 376. Scale bars = 1 mm in A,C; 250 lm in D; 0.5 mm in E; 100 lm in F; 0.25 mm in G.