Release 1: November 2007 |
Create a study |
Add existing PROMIS instruments (short forms, CAT) to a study |
View item- and instrument-level statistics (IRT parameters, means, scale scores, model fit, reliability indices) |
Set-up simple study (single time point, single arm) |
Upload and administer consent forms |
Create study-specific Websites for data collection |
Monitor accrual |
Export interim and end-of-study data |
Release 2: April 2008 |
Create custom items and instruments |
Track item changes through automated item history documentation |
Review item history |
Set-up complex study (multiple time points, multiple arms) |
Cluster items or instruments |
Randomize item and instrument presentation |
Establish branching logic within instruments |
Enable researcher-based data entry |
Select and customize registration fields |
Release 2.1 and 2.2: May 2008 |
Improved stability and usefulness of software |
Added additional code to permit easy integration testing allowing developers to add a feature and automatically test that all previously entered features remained functional |
Standardized source code |
Removed redundant code |
Server improvements |
Release 3: December 2008 |
Review newly created custom CATs to ensure their development adheres to basic theoretical principles of CAT and IRT |
Select first CAT item to be based on theta or item content |
Conduct a CAT demonstration and receive a real-time summary report |
Use administration engine that reduces administration of identical items shared by multiple instruments |
Select format for how items are presented to participants |
Enable researcher-based registration |
Export accrual report for NIH progress reports |
Export data oriented in horizontal rather than vertical layout |
Update certain study set-up parameters |
Release 4: May 2009 |
Addition of PROMIS profile measures |
PROMIS Profile and CAT reports with norms and graphical display |
Enhanced usability features (e.g., preview functionality, item and instrument ordering) |
Enable CATs with collapsed item categories and zero-based scoring |
Improve system security and reliability |
Release 4.1: August 2009 |
Improved stability and usefulness of software |
Release 4.5: September 2009 |
Assessment Center Offline |
Assessment Center Offline User Manual |
Release 4.6: December 2009 |
Improved stability and usefulness of software |
Modifications Scheduled For Future Release |
Online monitoring of research participant progress |
Track PROMIS instrument administration longitudinally |
Email alerts to research staff and participants |
Enable multiple language assessments |
Multiple modes of administration (e.g., integrated voice response) |
Enable additional CAT models (partial credit model and dichotomous scoring) |
User interface modifications |
Enable use of multiple calibrations |
Provide additional item presentation templates |