Figure 3.
Damage recovery parameters from control mice, trefoil factor 2 knockout (TFF2-KO) mice and TFF2-KO mice after topical addition of recombinant rat TFF3 (+rTFF3). As described in the Methods section and figure 1A, parameters were extracted from individual experiments performed as in figure 2 and then results were compiled. The parameters were (A) maximum damaged area (Amax), (B) the time to attain the maximal damaged area after laser-induced photodamage (LPD) at time zero (Tmax), (C) the restitution rate constant (κ) and (D) the time required to repair half of the maximal damage (T1/2). Results are presented as the mean±SEM of n=4–10 experiments (each condition performed in at least three animals). *p<0.05, **p<0.001 in unpaired t test versus values from the TFF2-KO animals. NS, no significance.